Condominium Cleaning
Pulizia condomini lecce e provincia
Condominium Cleaning Service
A.S.I GROUP takes care of the washing of windows, stairs, courtyards and all common areas.
Condominium cleaning is a complex service that involves several interventions: cleaning the stairs of the building, cleaning the windows, sanitizing the elevators, cellars, garages and common areas.
Being a place shared with other people, it is often difficult to agree on the tasks for maintaining a healthy and clean condominium. Therefore it is convenient to rely on a specialized cleaning service.
A.S.I GROUP provides a high quality and professional condominium cleaning service.
It is also committed to meeting every need of its customers.

Le pulizie condominiali effettuate da A.S.I GROUP prendono in considerazione le effettive necessità del palazzo: oltre a servizi di pavimentazione (parquet, marmo o qualsiasi materiale), scale, vetrate, ascensori, tramite macchinari specializzati, A.S.I GROUP si occupa di sanificare qualsiasi altra zona comune del vostro condominio, come balconi, cortile, cantine e terrazzi. Si tratta di spazi condivisi, importanti da mantenere puliti e per una sana convivenza.
In particolare, in un condominio la pulizia delle scale è importantissima, poiché è la zona più vissuta dai condominiali, che per entrare e uscire dalla loro abitazione, attraversano quest’area frequentemente. Le scale sono perciò la parte condominiale che più si sporca e che necessita più frequentemente di un completo e corretto procedimento di pulizia.
The team of professionals of A.S.I GROUP performs for you a cleaning service of the stairs of the condominium through and deraging services and through steam machinery performs a complete washing ensuring complete sanitation.
It is important to use products and detergents appropriate to the situation, not so much for the fragrance that can be more or less pleasant, but with regard to the flooring material so as not to damage it with unsuitable chemical elements. That's why A.S.I GROUP uses quality products, specialized for every type of cleaning and that guarantee safety to all condominiums.
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